اكفل يتيم
yemen yemen
كسوة طالب
قرطاسية طالب
حقيبة مدرسية
Project Value
50000 USD
42188.06 USD
Total Donation
7811.94 USD
منْ سَلَكَ طَريقًا يَبْتَغِي فِيهِ علْمًا سهَّل اللَّه لَه طَريقًا إِلَى الجنةِ منْ سَلَكَ طَريقًا يَبْتَغِي فِيهِ علْمًا سهَّل اللَّه لَه طَريقًا إِلَى الجنةِ
To school, Towards Future
Every year, with the beginning of Schools , about a billion students go to schools in the world, but that does not mean that everyone gets their right to education as they should in light of the difficult conditions of life that surround the whole world, such as famine, drought, water pollution, epidemics, wars, displacement and others. Many children around the world may go to their classes exhausted from hunger, sick, or exhausted from the work they have to do after the end of their school day to support their families and collect the livelihood they lack.
According to UNICEF, about 620 million children and adolescents around the world do not have minimum rate of reading, writing and math skills, although two-thirds of this number are enrolled in school. Instead, there are nearly 300 million children who have been deprived of their right to education and have never had the opportunity to go back to schools .
In the Middle East, the situation seems to be more complicated, starting with Palestine, passing through Syria and Lebanon, not ending with Yemen, as these countries suffer from very poor economic conditions. For that and because schools are near to be opened . This is a season for new beginnings that children rejoice in and look forward to after the summer holidays, happy to buy school uniforms and supplies. However, there are thousands of orphaned, displaced and needy children who are prevented from their right to education, or who lack many study requirements and school needs. Donate with us to guarantee their right to education as they deserve.
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